
Tour Through Blogland

One of my favorite things about blogging is discovering new blogs and connecting with people! When Becky from BYBMG contacted me to participate in the Tour Through Blogland, it was a no-brainer!  She asked me to answer the four questions below about my blogging process and then pass the baton on to three bloggers that I admire!

Here we go!

1) What am I working on?

I have only been blogging for just over 6 months and am still getting the hang of it. I’m normally a very organized person but I’ve have been surprised at how time consuming blogging can be. I work full time and this blog is my new hobby that I am really enjoying! I’m working on networking with other bloggers, learning about affiliate links and analytics, and having better time management with my blog and social media.

2) How does my work differ from others in it’s genre?

I blog about a variety of topics, but my main focus is looking fabulous by shopping your closet and incorporating trends into your everyday style. I also post on decorating, DIY projects, recipes, books and life in general.

3) Why do I write/create what I do?

If I have an idea, I write it down and will eventually turn that into a post. At work, I’m great at business writing, however, creative writing has never been my strong suit.  I always have had a hard time articulating my thoughts on paper. I’m hoping that blogging will help improve my writing style.  

4) How does my writing/creating process work?

I post regularly on Mondays and Fridays and try to plan out my posts at the end of the month for the following month. Coming up with topics is the easy part. I do have to get in a better habit of remembering to take photos when I’m doing a DIY or making sure someone is home to take my outfit posts so I’m not doing it at the last minute with the camera timer.

Now it’s time for me to introduce you to three bloggers that I admire!  They will be sharing their Tour of Blogland with you on September 22nd so be sure to head over to check out their blogs!


I am Ada and I blog over at Elegance and Mommyhood. On January 19th 2013 I became a Mom to my beautiful girl Vivian. Over the last couple of years my style has changed to accommodate my life as a stay-at-home-mom, but this Fall my style is changing once again, as I started working part-time. My blog is mostly about what I wear but I love to include Vivian in a lot of the style posts too, as well as some life updates, etc. 







Hi! I’m Amy Ann, blogger behind The Real Arnolds. What started as a personal blog has slowly evolved into the fashion blog it is now. Fashion is one of the great joys in my life. I believe in the power of expression and individuality it provides and the confidence boost a great dress can give you. I think all women deserve to feel good in their clothes and that fashion doesn’t have to cost a fortune. I hope you’ll come visit. I’d love to get to know you. Connecting with other people is my favorite part about this whole thing.

I hope you enjoyed the tour today!

I’d love it if you followed along with me on FacebookBloglovin or Google +.

Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here.

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