
Start Your Morning Off Right!

Has your morning routine changed in recent years? I always got up at the same time as my daughter and rushed through the morning. Afternoons and evenings are always busy with dinner, errands, car-pools and practices and then suddenly its 10pm and time for bed. I found that I didn’t really have any time for myself. My workouts were slacking and my hobbies became non-existent. I decided that I would train myself to be a morning person and I started getting up at 5am. At first it was so hard to crawl out from the covers and not hit the snooze button, but now I’ve found that I treasure the peaceful hour and a half where I have the whole house to myself before anyone else gets up! Here is a peak into my morning routine:

1. Years ago, I followed the Body For Life workout and nutrition plan. The one takeaway that I still follow is drinking 12 ounces of water right when you get up. Your organs are dehydrated after a night of sleeping. Water will get your metabolism kick started and help flush out any toxins in your body.

2. Workout. I work from home so my schedule is somewhat flexible but no matter how many promises I make to myself about working out mid-morning or at lunch, it never happens. Working out right when I get up or right after I take my daughter to school is the only way it gets done. I always feel great afterwards so it’s worth getting up early for.

I get lots of reader questions about my workout routine so here it is…

My normal routine is swimming a mile, three days a week. I also like to do a DVD workout a few times a week, alternating between Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred, some of the Insanity workouts or The Firm Body Sculpting Basics (the 80’s bodysuits crack me up but it’s a hard workout!).

If I’m short on time, I do three sets of this routine which takes about 30 minutes…

10 pushups

25 crunches

25 squats

20 lunges (each leg)

50 jumping jacks

1 minute wall sit

If I’m really short on time, this is an effective workout which takes about 10 minutes…

Download Flower by Moby. Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down…

For the first 2.04 minutes of the song follow the up and down while doing pushups and hold for the chorus.

Start the song over and do a set of squats and then v-sits.

3. Make Your Bed. ThisNavy’s SEAL’s advice to gradswas all over social media last spring. His message made sense; by making your bed in the morning you have completed your first task and gotten your day off to the right start and that it makes you appreciate the little things. Good advice! A made bed is also more inviting to get into at night!

4. Eat a healthy breakfast. Krispy Creme donuts always sound good but I’m addicted to sugar and would eat several. Then, my blood sugar gets wacked out and I crash. A smoothie with lots of fruits and veggies and a scoop of greek yogurt keeps me full until lunchtime. Check out some of my smoothie recipes here!

5. Spend 15 minutes reading. Whether its a chapter in a book or the newspaper, taking time to read helps to improve your memory and analytical thinking. It also helps me stick to my goal of reading one book per month! If you are looking for a good book, you can check out my most recent book reviews here!

6. Organize and prioritize. My desk is a mess by the end of the day and if I haven’t cleared it off the night before, it needs to be done before I can start my workday. An organized work space starts your day on the right track. Make sure this takes precedence over checking email!

I’ve stuck to this routine for over a year now and its now a habit. Getting things accomplished early feels great and not rushing sets the tone for a stress free day!

What is your morning ritual?

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