Office Space Makeover

Hey, y’all! I’m Jennie from A Pocketful of Polka Dots and I am thrilled to help Jill out by guest posting while she is away on vacation. Over on my blog I primarily showcase my frugal fashionista style, but since Jill features lifestyle posts on Tuesdays, I will be sharing my crafty side with you today. Let’s go take a look at how I prettified my office space…

Since my work space is out front I do not have the freedom to decorate like I would in an office. So this meant getting creative and decorating the space I can. The very first thing I did was create these fabric covered panels to really punch up the pretty factor. I basically cut foam board to size and hot glued the fabric to the board, and then slid them in place. If you go on Pinterest and look up cute offices/cubicles they are always talking about gluing on wallpaper or fabric. Not sure about your workplace, but I know that would not go over in my office. Anyway, this is the perfect solution because these panels can easily be removed without causing damage, and I love the fact I can also change out the fabric easily if I ever grow tired of this one.

I also made a little desk pad for my keyboard and a matching mouse pad. I purchased a couple of super cheap rubber place mats (you know the ones that usually have the tacky scenes on them…), cut them to size and again covered with fabric. Voila – more prettiness! I also added the same fabric to my pop-up Post it dispenser to keep everything matchy-matchy.

Another thing you can see in this photo is that I trimmed out my keyboard and monitors with gold foil polka dot washi tape. Everything looks better with a sprinkle of polka dots!

While we are talking washi tape – I also trimmed out my desk in a white tape with a gold geometric design for more visual impact. I think it added a nice element.

I’ve stored my pens, scissors, paper clips, etc. in these glass Dollar Tree containers for ages. I think they look so much nicer than the traditional office supply containers. To keep my pens, etc. standing upright I simply filled them with colored glass beads that I also picked up at Dollar Tree. In the past I placed these on a mirror for extra sparkle, but the mirror I used was just too large for this space. Instead I picked up an inexpensive wooden tray ($2.50) from Michael’s and lined it with fabric then added the same washi tape as what is trimming the desk. I also added washi tape to my glass containers to change them up.

This little plaque has been on my desk for Years. – I am a complete shoe addict. This is the third office it’s been in with me. (Please ignore those wires, I have hidden them away since these photos were taken.)

So there you have it – my little home away from home. Seriously, as much time as I spend here, I want it to be a place that makes me happy. I am not quite done, as I want to add a mini gallery to one of the blank wall spaces, as well as photos of all my guys on my desk. All in all this project only cost me around $30, and the joy it brings me is Priceless. I hope this will offer you some inspiration on how to prettify your own office space and make it your own.

Thanks for reading and I hope you will swing by A Pocketful of Polka Dots sometime and check it out!

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Meet Jill

Thanks for visiting Doused in Pink, a Chicago style blog. I am here to bring simple style tips and outfit inspiration to help you elevate your everyday style. You will also find posts on the best beauty products, wellness, DIY projects and decorating ideas. My goal is that you leave feeling like you learned something new that helps you feel confident when you walk out the door.

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